General translation

General translation

General translation is characterised by having< a relatively simple text typology that corresponds to non-specific texts, without terminology from a specialised field For this reason, the rates applied are the lowest, as it is possible to work at a faster pace than when working with texts belonging to other specialities.


 Not sure what kind of service you need,looking for advice? At LinguaTrans, we are happy to help and advise you at any time. Get in contact with us in complete confidence.

You can also consult our rates or request a quote without any obligation.

General translation service

While most translators consider themselves to be generalists and are used to dealing with translations of all kinds, general translations can be a kind of independent genre in which the ability to produce a natural, attractive translation adapted to the context and the specific needs of our clients is paramount.

With LinguaTrans you can be sure you have the best translators for your general documents. Our professional translators respect the meaning of the text and, at the same time, creativity to produce lively, dynamic and fluid translations. In this way, the reader perceives the translated texts as if they had been as if they had been written directly in their own language, which is a guarantee of success.

These are some of the typologies included in this category:

– Translation of non-specialised journalistic articles or blogs

– Translation of tourist brochures

– Translation of e-mails

– Invoice translation

– Translation for social media

– Translation of applications

Translation of CVs and letters of recommendation

Gastronomic translation

Translation of maps and menus

If you are looking for the best language services, you can count on the leading agency in the market. With LinguaTrans you will achieve a professional result that meets your needs or those of your company.

LinguaTrans offers all kinds of services, so if this is not the one you are looking for you can consult the SERVICES menu to find out more about us.