
If you have been making searches like “English to Finnish” or “Finnish to English”, then our linguists are here to help.
Finnish has attracted a great deal of interest in recent years. There are many different reasons for this: on the one hand, the United Nations named Finland the “happiest country in the world” four years in a row. It is also a country with a high quality of life. There is the opportunity to enjoy nature, with more than 10,000 lakes, numerous forests covering 65% of its territory and even Northern Lights in the Lapland region.
On the other hand, it is the ideal destination for skiing and snow lovers. As Europe’s most northerly country, it is not surprising that it snows from November to almost May. There are also numerous ski resorts and tourist attractions such as Father Christmas Village.
In addition, Finland’s education system is one of the best in the world; some of its universities are ranked among the world’s top. This is the case of the University of Helsinki (the largest and oldest university in the country, founded in 1640), the University of Aalto, or the Unversity of Oulu.
The culture associated with this language is also very rich. Frans Eemil Sillanpää, winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1939, was the only Finnish author to win it. Other notable figures include film director Aki Kaurismäki and Aleksi Gallen-Kallela, a Finnish craftsman, illustrator, and painter.
The language regulating body is the Finnish Institute for Language Studies. It is dedicated to the study and language regulation of Finnish and Swedish. In addition, they offer services such as training, proofreading, library and archiving or telephone advice on the use of the language.
On the other hand, the translation of this language is essential. We must not forget that it is one of the official languages of the European Union. As such, all documents from its institutions must be available in this language. Moreover, in some of the most important institutions of the EU, such as the European Parliament, language interpretation is necessary for members of parliament representing this country. Therefore, both interpreting and translations from and into Finnish take place.
Finnish is a language of the Uralic language family, specifically of the Finno-Ugric branch. It has about five and a half million native speakers. The vast majority of them live on the European continent, more specifically in Finland and Sweden.
It is the national language of Finland, together with Swedish, because this country was part of Sweden until 1809, when it became part of Russia until 1917, when it finally gained independence. Finnish also has official status in Russia (Republic of Karelia) and in Norway (in Porsanger). Estonia, the United States, Canada, and Australia, also have small communities of speakers as a result of people of Finnish origin immigrating.
The language has three groups of dialects: northern dialects ( Keski- ja pohjoispohjalaiset murteet, peräpohjalaiset murteet), eastern dialects (Savolais-ja kaakkoismurteet) and western dialects ( lounaismurteet, lounaiset välimurteet, hämäläismurteet, Etelä-Pohjanmaan murre). The differences between the dialects cover phonetic and phonological aspects as well as lexical differences.
This is why the help of an expert translator who knows how to differentiate and understand the different dialects is so important in order to achieve a quality translation or interpretation.
How can LinguaTrans help you?
At LinguaTrans we have a team of professional Finnish experts to guarantee translations and other services of the highest level.
Examples of services provided by LinguaTrans:
• Finnish translation (English to Finnish/Finnish to English)
• Finnish sworn translation
• Finnish transcription
• Finnish subtitling
• Finnish proofreading
• Finnish voice-over
We have excellent native professionals for each translation service and speciality. Count on a highly reputed company in the market of language services by contacting us. You can also consult our rates and request a free, no-obligation quote. We are standing by to take you far… including in Finnish!