
Nowadays there is no need to explain the importance of training in our lives. The current market demands that professionals are capable of carrying out a series of extremely diverse tasks all within the same role, which may be difficult to achieve if you do not have the appropriate means of training. In addition, the reality that we live in constitutes a global village in which one cannot imagine citizens who are incapable of communicating with people who speak other languages and have different cultural experiences.
At LinguaTrans we understand that at times it can be difficult to find training that is tailored to your personal or specific work needs. Therefore, we are a company that offfers flexible courses focused on achieving the aims and requirements of the student.
We live in a globalised world that allows us to discover new realities and to be in contact with people from all over the world. In the current context speaking foreign languages is a key skill as much in personal lives as in proffesional ones. Often it is one of the main requirements for acquiring a job in sectors such as business, tourism, education, marketing, etc.
At LinguaTrans we are fully aware of this situation, so we offer a variety of language courses adapted to your needs or those of your company. Our aim is to enable you to improve your professional profile, that of your employees or business. Human resources represents a company’s greatest asset. It is therefore vital that their skills are in line with market trends, which is characterised by the internationalisation of economic exchanges. This means that improving the language skills of your staff results in increased competitiveness for your company, opening doors to new markets, adding value and multiplying your company’s chances of success.
At LinguaTrans we offer courses principally in the following languages:
English is the global langauge of communication and it has become a vital tool in the current labour market. Learning it is therefore a clear and obvious requirement. In addition, learning English will allow you to manage multiple situations and have experiences at an international level.
Do you want to learn English? Do you need to improve your level of English? Get in contact with us and we will explain how you can achieve this.
French is one of the most influencial languages, as much on a historical level as a current one. It is the official language of multiple international organisations such as the UN, the IMF, UNESCO and the European Union. With that in mind, it is not surprising that learning French exponentially increases your professional opportunities, in addition to opening the door to new cultures.
Do you want to learn French? Do you need to improve your level of French? Contact us and we will happily advise you.
Chinese mandarin
Despite its innate difficulty, Chinese mandarin has more than 1,300 million speakers in the world. Nowadays it is often referred to as the “language of the future” and this is due to the great influence that China has in the economic world. Learning Chinese mandarin is an essential skill for propelling your professional career. In addition, it will allow you to learn in depth about the ancient culture which hides behind its characters.
Do you want to learn Chinese? Do you need to improve your level of Chinese mandarin? Contact us and we will offer you classes suited to your level.
Spanish for foreigners
Spanish ranks third for languages with the greatest number of speakers and it is the second most widely spoken langauge geographically. Therefore, it is important not to underestimate the value that this langauge has at an international level, given that it is the official language of 21 countries.
Do you want to learn Spanish? Do you need to improve your level of Spanish quickly? Contact the leading company on the market and we assure you that your level of Spanish will improve by leaps and bounds.
Do you want to learn a language that does not appear on this list?Get in contact with us and we will advise you on the most appropriate course in the language you want.
Translation and interpreting is a profession that encompasses much more than just language learning. On occasion a University degree or Master’s degree does not provide sufficient knowledge or practice for professional training in certain techniques or tools employed in different sorts of translation or interpretation.
At LinguaTrans we want to help you master all the aspects associated with this profession, so that you can become a more competent and efficient translator or interpreter. If you put your mind to it, you can achieve your goals!
Some of the topics of courses and workshops that we offer are:
• Translation tools
• Project management
• Translator tasks: create invoices, freelancers, etc.
If you are interested in training in specifc aspects involved in translation and interpreting, get in contact with us and we will give a detailed explanation of the content of training offered at LinguaTrans.
Follow us on social media! You will be able to find out about the courses and workshops we offer; in addition you will be able to access our online conferences (Webinars) for free.
At LinguaTrans we offer face-to-face training services to both individuals and small groups in Logroño and neighbouring municipalities. We have spacious and modern facilities fully adapted to COVID-19 regulations in the EspacioSoy centre (Calle Diego de Velázquez 3, Logroño).
We also offer training in company facilities if the client prefers. This option presents two main advantages: the first is that a greater level of concentration is achieved by students and it facilitates the adaptation of content to the real needs of the client; the second is that given that the participants do not have to travel from their place of work, management is easier and human resource costs are reduced for the company.
It is undeniable that the situation originating from the COVID-19 pandemic has completely changed our lives and all our daily activities. At LinguaTrans we have adapted to these seemingly adverse circumstances so that you can continue to access all our services with ease.
We offer all kinds of online training as an alternative for students who, whether it be for mobility restrictions or because they do not reside in La Rioja, cannot attend the courses, workshops and classes that we offer in person. At LinguaTrans we use the best videoconference platforms on the market in order to offer you quality training.
At LinguaTrans we rely on highly qualified teachers with ample experience in teaching foreign languages, translation and interpreting in order to guarantee the excellence of our training services.
We offer preparation for the official exams of different institutions, for example, the exams of Cambridge (PET, FIRST, CAE, CPE), TOEFL, HSK, HSKK, DELF, DALF, etc.
In addition we also design courses and workshops tailored to the function of your business requirements or professional activity. We offer intercultural training, including for example cultural mediation training or international protocol, which is essential when establishing business relationships with companies from different countries in which the cultural contexts present huge differences and may lead to misunderstandings.
Trust LinguaTrans and you can be guaranteed of having the leading expert agency on the market at your disposal.
At LinguaTrans we believe in quotes tailored to your needs and to those of your company. The price of courses depends on certain factors, such as language, location, the number of students, etc. Therefore, we recommend that you get in contact with us or that you request a training quote, with absolutely no obligation. We will respond immediately and offer you free advice so that you can choose the type of training that is most suited to your needs and those of your company.