
Proofreading involves reviewing or examining a text in detail, be it an original text or a translation. It can be difficult for the author or translator of a text to detect all the errors they may have made when writing or translating. The majority will most likely go unnoticed, whereas the review of a second professional ensures that the objective of producing grammatically correct, high quality texts, ready to be published on your website, in your magazine, social media accounts, etc is met.
An initial distinction should be made between reviewing text style and reviewing spelling. Whilst the former fulfils the objective of improving the fluency of a text and providing it with certain characteristics, reviewing the spelling of a text refers to ensuring compliance with orthographic and typographic rules. Additionally, it can also refer to layout or formatting errors, because occasionally authors or translators do not have the necessary knowledge or tools to work with certain formats.
Do you want to ensure that the texts you produce are perfect? Do you need to review a translation? Get in contact with us and we will explain how you can send us your material in any format.
Additionally, you can consult our rates or request a quotewith no obligation, if you prefer.
At LinguaTrans we meticulously and thoroughly review all kinds of documents, in every language and format. We always use the rules dictated by the main regulatory authorities of each language as a reference and we use the latest technological developments, which ensures that all your texts and translations exhibit the style and quality you require.
These are some of the typologies included in reviewing:
• Revision of bilingual texts
• Revision of original texts in any language
• Revision of translated texts in any language
• Revision and formatting of documents
If you are looking for the best revision service on the market, count on the leading agency in the market. At LinguaTrans we guarantee the success of your project thanks to our professional text revision service.
LinguaTrans offers every kind of translation and interpreting service. If reviewing is not what you are looking for, you can consult all our services in the menu SERVICES / OTHER SERVICES.