Technical translation

Technical translation undoubtedly represents the largest volume of work within the professional translation industry. It covers texts such as manuals, patents, scientific articles, medical documents, etc. At LinguaTrans, we use first-rate computing resources, in order to respond to the large number of technical translations we receive with quality, terminological accuracy, and efficiency. These aforementioned resources (which do not include automatic translation in any capacity) comprise of translation memories, terminology databases and reliable sources relating to technical documentation. We assign every project to either a technical translator or team of technical translators, specialised in the required field, in order to achieve the best result possible.
Consult our translation rates or request a free quote here, with the knowledge that you are counting on the very best in the business.
Technical translation service
If you are searching for the very best technical translation service, why not count on the market leader? With LinguaTrans, you will receive a professional technical translation which reflects the quality of your company.