Conference interpretation

A conference is a gathering organised in order to share ideas or debate on a particular subject. Possible subjects include science, medicine, philosophy, culture, economy, environment etc. Some can also be specific to an organisation, both on a national and international scale. These conferences can be spontaneous or held regularly. The United Nations Organisation, for example. Click here to view the next meetings. A conference is usually precisely organised, sometimes it is recorded, or even transmitted live. But, that does not mean that interaction between the speakers and participants is impossible.
Speakers often show a presentation to complement their speech, for example, in order to illustrate a concept or argument. In that way, they can transfer information to viewers around their area of expertise and share the outcome of their research and reflection on the subject. Others organise conferences to present their career path, or a story allowing viewers to draw meaningful and valuable conclusions.
Most recently, the number of Visio or video conferences has considerably increased. This type of conference is organised via the Internet, in other words online, in order to both, avoid gatherings and limit movement.
Most times, in conferences where participants do not speak the same language, simultaneous translation is used. This form of interpreting consists of the real time translation of a given speech into another language to allow every participant to understand. This requires some degree of organisation and specific equipment. First, an interpreter’s booth is needed, it should be isolated from the public to avoid disturbance. But the interpreter should still be able to see the speakers, and if possible, their presentation, being a slideshow or board. This enables the interpreter to completely understand the conference and offer the best possible translation. The ideal solution is placing the interpreters at the back of a room, facing the speaker. Sound equipment will also be needed, such as: a headset and microphone for the interpreter’s booth, and a hearing receiver for the participants in need of one. One advantage of this form of interpretation is the possibility of translating several languages simultaneously, without disturbing anyone. Furthermore, nowadays it is also possible to perform a Visio conference using simultaneous interpretation thanks to apps that have made it possible by adapting their functions. Such as: Microsoft Teams or Google Meet. The United Nations Commission on commercial and international rights offers advice on the material used for online reunions that will be interpreted.
However, in some conferences, when only one or few participants do not understand the speaker’s language, chuchotage can be necessary. Chuchotage enables a speech to be translated directly to the person, without any equipment needed. This type of translation is quieter.
Conference interpretation is essential to ensure knowledge, from culture, to science or even news can be shared across the globe, overcoming the language barrier. Most importantly since, oftentimes, the participants found in this type of event are experts in their field or area, who have made the trip especially. The interpreter is therefore key to creating a bridge in between the different languages spoken in the conference.
At LinguaTrans, we know the difficulties this type of translation involves. As a matter of fact, an interpreter must show a flawless knowledge of both languages, and their culture, while offering a quick and flexible translation of a person’s speech, and know how to spot and recreate the subtilities of language. That is why we have the most qualified experts in conference interpretation, who have great experience in the area, in order to ensure the best quality service.
Feel free to contact us if you need any information. You can also check our rates or ask for a free quote without obligation.